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Oconee County Democrats

Building a Better Georgia

The Oconee County (OC) Democrats invite all OC residents to participate in our monthly meetings and events to promote our core beliefs.

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The primary function of the OCDC is to support Democratic nominees for elective office.


Our secondary function is raise awareness of political issues that affect the lives of OC residents.


We invite all residents of OC to participate in our monthly meetings, monthly socials and special events. 

Oconee County Voter Precincts for New House District.jpg
Brian P. Kemp (R)
Lieutenant Governor:
Burt Jones (R)

GA State Senator, 46th District:
Bill Cowsert (R)
GA State Rep, 120th District: 
Marcus Wiedower  (R)

GA State Rep, 121st District: Houston Gaines (R)

District Attorney,
Western Judicial Circuit: Deborah Gonzalez (D)



U.S. President:

Joseph Biden (D)


U.S. Vice President:

Kamala Harris (D)


U.S. Senator:

Raphael G. Warnock (D)


U.S. Senator:

Jon Ossoff (D)


U.S. Rep, 10th District:

Mike Collins (R)


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